Circle of Parents

Circle of Parents® vision is a world where all caregivers have the knowledge, skills and support to raise strong, resilient and happy children.

Circle of Parents® provides a friendly, supportive environment facilitated by trained facilitators, but led by parents and other caregivers.  It’s a place where anyone in a parenting role can openly discuss the successes and challenges of raising children.  It’s a place where they can find and share support.

For more information or to sign up, please contact Angela Frady at 919-735-3371 x237 or email


By sitting down and really talking. Circle of Parents groups meet weekly, are free of charge, and foster an open exchange of ideas, support, information and resources.  These kinds of groups serve those parenting children ages birth to 5 years old and families of all types.  There are groups across the country, and they operate under different names and organizations.  But they are all there to help parents find support.
